Welcome to OUS Gloucestershire. We are one of the largest OUS groups - with nearly 4,000 members. We typically organise at least one event a month. These are extremely varied, from the annual Boat Race party to musical events, lectures, visits and purely social opportunities.

Many events are initiated by members themselves, which we strongly encourage. Membership is not limited to those living in the county - if you have Gloucestershire connections but live elsewhere please feel free to join - and our events often take place in the neighbouring counties and in London.

If you'd like to join and receive information about forthcoming events, or if you have any suggestions for future events please email Group Secretary Sam Tolley. We'd love to hear from you. 

The committee:

The most recent Annual General Meeting took place at the Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham on 30th September 2023. All existing committee members have meanwhile served one year of their three-year term of office. Anyone else interested in joining the committee or helping in any other way is encouraged to make contact at any time. Please use the address: gloucestershire@ousoc.oxon.org.





Sam Tolley


St Hugh's


Julian Sternberg




Andrew Mitchell


St Catherine's


Frank Smith

Honorary President



Robert Dibley

Committee Member



Aidan Rose

Committee Member



Katharine Prynne Committee Member St Hugh's 1984
Katie Poole Committee Member Keble 2001



The following events of the society are planned during 2024.


•    Saturday, August 17th – Visit to St Mary’s Church, Fairford

This is a joint social event organised by the Cambridge Gloucestershire group


•    Saturday, September 14th – Annual General Meeting, Standish.

Preceded by a free performance by the alumni choir in St Nicholas’ Church


•    Friday, September 20th – Severn Bore with Coffee and Pastries

Postponed from March because of unsuitable weather conditions


•    Tuesday, September 24th – Admissions Event for Gloucestershire Schools


•    Wednesday, September 25th – Freshers’ Social Event (to be confirmed)


•    Saturday, October 12th – Vivaldi Gloria and Pergolesi Stabat Mater, Painswick

Performance by the Standish Consort


•    Saturday, November 2nd – Evensong and Reception, Gloucester Cathedral

To celebrate the links between the Cathedral and Oxford University


•    Saturday, December 7th – Bach by Candlelight, Tetbury

Performance by the Standish Consort in St Mary’s Church


•    Saturday, December 14th – Oxford and Cambridge Societies’ Dinner, Cirencester

The event will be held at the Royal Agricultural University


For all events please book place(s) as explained in our email newsletters or use the Ticketsource service. If you are not receiving e-communications from the group, but would still like to attend an event, please email the secretary so that we can verify your correct contact details. We don't want you to miss out!

July 2024 (first week) – A Grand Tour of European Renaissance Music
The combined forces of Standish Consort, English Wind Consort, and some students from Pembroke College travelled on tour to the Rhineland, performing a variety of early choral and instrumental music. Some pieces were being performed for the first time ever to modern audiences. Concerts were given in Koblenz, Marksburg Castle and Worms. A follow-up concert took place in St Swithun’s Church in Leonard Stanley on return from Germany.

13 April 2024 – Songs of Rejoicing and Reflection
A range of choral music by Tallis, Byrd and Purcell (among others) was performed by the Standish Consort in the fully sold-out Holy Trinity Church in Minchinhampton.

2 April 2024 – An Antiques Evening in Cirencester
A group of about 15 alumni attended this preview of a forthcoming sale at Cotswold Auctions, Cirencester. It was accompanied by impressive canapés served by helpful staff.

In addition there have been some ad hoc theatre-plus-dinner events, which a small number of alumni joined. We intend to look out for future theatrical opportunities and publicise them in our newsletters.